Yellow Belt Buckle for Mors
October 2021
I had made a horn for Mors' elevation, and now he was taking on protégé so I offered to make a buckle for his yellow belts.
Historical exemplar
Oath ring found in Spillings hoard (documentation and citation needed still)
Reference image will be replaced as better documentation is found.
Build Process
An inspired design
I was inspired by the historical arm band, and wanted to create a buckle similar to it. On the computer I drew out a reference image, and included all important lines and marks I needed for curvature and flow. With a stylus this was transferred to the wax below
Remove what's not buckle
I had my major lines transferred, and was able to use a saw to remove all wax that was not park of a belt buckle. This was done with a jewelers saw equipped with a wax blade.
Taking form
Using needle rasps the basic forms of the buckle were carved in, focusing mainly on major shapes and form rather than perfect detail at this point.
Finishing up
This ended my involvement in this project. I had a buckle master fully shaped and ready for duplication and casting. This was handed to Master Mors for him to sand cast his buckles from this master.
Lessons Learned
This was my first wax piece for sand casting. Having been used to investment casting, I carved many of the details far to fine and small, they were lost in the sand and unable to be replicated.